Thursday, February 3, 2011



HUMMMMM, transform yourself for the transformation of the essential function of society; what you are in your relationship to another creates society. Understand yourself at this very moment in your relationship to other so that you would not be the cause of fear, destruction, brutality, chaos and misery. There is a need for fundamental alteration of psychological and economical reasons for violence in the world. Understand the nature of pleasure and fear so that you can live at peace within yourself and with the world. Don’t just try to escape from actuality because of an emotional state but change for better.

'No matter how difficult the path of change may be, change for better is desirable' -Biliaminu Adeleke Adediran-Adegoke

If you would like to support the course, please do!
Send your donation to a champion of transformation of human community
Biliaminu Adeleke Adediran-Adegoke
ADDRESS: 2/4 Olaosebikan street off Alli Dada Street, Off Ago Palace Way, Okota, Lagos, Nigeria.
TELEPHONE: 234-8023125015
Bank: GTBANK, Okota branch
Account Name: Adediran-Adegoke, Biliaminu Adeleke
Account Number: 233/285887/2/1/0
Account Type: Domiciliary Account
Currency: U.S. Dollar
Bank: GTBANK, Okota branch
Account Name: Adediran-Adegoke, Biliaminu Adeleke
Account Number: 233/285887/1/1/0
Account Type: Current Account
Currency: Naira
Bank: First Bank PLC, Okota branch
Account Name: Adediran-Adegoke, Biliaminu Adeleke
Account Number: 4812010005067
Account Type: Current Account
Currency: Naira

1HUMMMMM, the people of the land wanted rain, and they saw a cloud and rejoiced. Behold, it was coming towards their tracts, winding through the hills. Their irrigation channels would be full, their fields would be green, and their season would be fruitful. But no! What is this? It is a tremendous hurricane carrying destruction on its wings! A violent blast, with dust and sand! Its fury destroys everything in its wake! Lives lost! Fields covered with sand-hills! The morning dawns on a scene of desolation! Where were those who boasted and did wrongs! There are only the ruins of their houses to witness to the past! (The people had been wiped out, and any small remnant had fled. Nothing was to be seen but the ruins of their houses.)
2HUMMMMM, the events of the past have become parables for the present and the future. If there are any to whom the signs from Nature, from within their own heart and conscience, and from the voice of Revelation, are not enough to convince, what possible kind of exposition will they accept? Each individual, each generation and each people is responsible for its good deeds and misdeeds. The laws of actions and their fruits apply; you can not blame one for another. Righteousness is the remedy. Uphold the standard of unity.
3HUMMMMM, the light of the Revelation make things clear to human, and to the world. It is harder to be patient and forgive, and yet to get wrongs righted than to bluster about and “punish the guilt” or “teach them lessons”. It may look like futility or lack of purpose, but in reality it is the highest and noblest form of courage and resolution. And it may carry out the purpose of reform and the suppression of evil even better than stern punishment.
4HUMMMMM, the Hypocrites at all times are plausible people. They present a fine exterior; they dress well; they can usually afford fine equipages; they try to win the confidence of every one, as they have no scruples in telling lies, and apparently expressing agreement with every one. Their words are fair-spoken, and as truth does not check their tongues, their flattery deception knows no bounds. But all this is on the outside. As they have no sincerity, nothing that they say or do is worth anything. The Hypocrites are like rotten timber. They have no firm character themselves, and for others they are unsafe props to rely upon. Their conscience always troubles them. If any cry is raised, they immediately get alarmed and think it is against them. Such human are worse than open enemies. Repentant and amendment are required from Hypocrites. They should turn from evil and seek the Truth. It is goodness that produces strength and prosperity.
5HUMMMMM, the downward course in evil is rapid. But the most tragic consequence is that evil persuades its victims to believe that they are pursuing good. They think evil to be their good. They go deeper and deeper into the mire, and become more and more callous. Evil protects (or thinks it protects) evil; it has really no power of protection at all, for itself or for others. If they plot against the Truth, the Truth will destroy them, just as, if they accept the Truth, the Truth will make them free. Truth is manifesting itself against all odds and the whole world is seeing. Cast off fear and take refuge in divine guidance and goodness (hummmmm).
6HUMMMMM, instruction in wisdom by means of a knowledge of life and its laws, and an understanding of wonderful universe, human see things from different angles and dispute about them; human hide real motives, and pretend to virtues which they do not possess; they may attribute such virtues to others among them and those may come to believe it themselves; human conceive likes and hatreds on insufficient grounds; human forget what they should remember, and remember what they should forget. Among human are of narrow vision and false values. Three things that hold society together are: Revelation, which commands Good and forbids Evil; Justice, which gives to each person his due; and the strong arm of the law, which maintains sanctions for evil-doers.
Justice is the central virtue, and the avoidance of both excess and defect in conduct keeps the human world balanced just as the heavenly world is kept balanced by mathematical order.
7HUMMMMM, checking human’s selfishness and narrowness of view and giving comfort and guidance; grasping selfishness which would deprive others of their just rights or seize things which do not properly belong to it. If human can get over this covetous selfishness, they achieve real prosperity in justice and truth. Retreat from false positions, advance to the right or withdraw from the wrong. 8HUMMMMM, Say: do not suppose that I am going to harm you individually or socially; the very opposite is my wish; but I cannot force you to right conduct; that must depend upon the purification of your own faith and will. It is the habit of the world to make a marked man of any who diverges from the beaten paths of their favourite sins and who pleads earnestly for the cause of Truth and righteousness. Do not persecute or mock the Teacher. This is to purge the world and give it a good start.
9HUMMMMM, some among human mock at Truth and hug Falsehood to their bosom. Every time that they do an ill deed, it make a stain or rust on their heart. The stains deepen and spread more and more, until the heart is sealed. It is such stains that stand in the way of their perceiving Truths which are obvious to others. The stain of evil deeds on their hearts sullies the mirror of their hearts, so that it does not receive the light to every heart, through signs in human’s conscience, in Nature and in Revelation. Heart is the seat of intelligent faculties and understanding as well as the seat of affections and emotions. Your soul shall be enlightened with divine wisdom, your heart and life filled with righteousness (hummmmm).
10HUMMMMM, condemnation of anti-social vices: scandal-mongering, talking or suggesting evil of men or women by word or innuendo, or behaviour, or mimicry, or sarcasm, or insult; detracting from their character behind their backs, even if the things suggested are true, where the motive is evil; and miserly hoards, blocking up the channels of economic service and charity, and the circulation of good-will among human. Woe to the man or woman who deals in scandal, in word or act, or by insults or suggestions. Woe to the practitioners of anti-social vices.
11HUMMMMM, illumination of universal light for removal of Falsehood, pretence, and illusion; for reduction of injustice or inequality, darkness or evil; there is much make –believe, and Falsehood often masquerades as Truth and is accepted as such even by those who should know better. The harmonisation of human community is the apex of human wisdom. Biliaminu Adeleke Adediran-Adegoke, a world great thinker, sharing some nuggets of wisdom with the human community of the world. There is a great human revolution in this man.
Biliaminu Adeleke Adediran-Adegoke
ADDRESS: 2/4 Olaosebikan street off Alli Dada Street, Off Ago Palace Way, Okota, Lagos, Nigeria.
TELEPHONE: 234-8023125015

'Change. It has power to uplift, to heal, to stimulate, surprise, open new doors, bring fresh experience and create excitement in life. certainly it is worth the risk.' ...Leo Buscaglia
'When there is that intelligence which is born of compassion and love, then all these problems will be solved simply quietly.' ...J. Krishnamurti
'No matter how difficult the path of change may be, change for better is desirable.'
...Biliaminu Adeleke Adediran-Adegoke

The past was real, the present is intelligible and the future is coming. There is a web of events, the logic of events is for all to see, welcome the light that comes to you by Revelation. HUMMMMM

Human learn new knowledge at every given moment. Individual learn more and more day by day; nations and humanity at large learn fresh knowledge at every stage. Hummmmm, the light of revelation, the light of conscience and the light of reason.

HUMMMMM, a globe enclosing within it many secrets and mysteries – gold and diamonds in its mines, heat and magnetic forces in its entrails, and the bodies of countless generations of human buried within its soil. The same earth appears stretched out as a vast expanse like a carpet kept steady with the weight of the mountains. Mountains are of hard, solid rock, and yet they act as sponges to collect, store up, and filter sweet and wholesome water, which on account of their altitude they are able to distribute by gravity to the lower, dry land by means of rivers or springs. Can all mysteries be solved by research?

What is Mathematics?
Mathematics is the study of quantity, structure, space, and change. Mathematicians seek out patterns, formulate new conjectures, and establish truth by rigorous deduction from appropriately chosen axioms and definitions.
Mathematics is used throughout the world as an essential tool in many fields, including natural science, engineering, medicine, and the social sciences. Applied mathematics, the branch of mathematics concerned with application of mathematical knowledge to other fields, inspires and makes use of new mathematical discoveries and sometimes leads to the development of entirely new mathematical disciplines, such as statistics and game theory. Mathematicians also engage in pure mathematics, or mathematics for its own sake, without having any application in mind, although practical applications for what began as pure mathematics are often discovered.
Mathematics arises from many different kinds of problems. At first these were found in commerce, land measurement, architecture and later astronomy; nowadays, all sciences suggest problems studied by mathematicians, and many problems arise within mathematics itself.
Mathematics can, broadly speaking, be subdivided into the study of quantity, structure, space, and change (i.e. arithmetic, algebra, geometry, and analysis). In addition to these main concerns, there are also subdivisions dedicated to exploring links from the heart of mathematics to other fields: to logic, to set theory (foundations), to the empirical mathematics of the various sciences (applied mathematics), and more recently to the rigorous study of uncertainty.

BUZZ #8[1].JPG2[1].JPG3[1].JPG4[1].JPGCopy%2[1].jpg

MATHEMATICS: Through the use of abstraction and logical reasoning, mathematics evolved from counting, calculation, measurement, and the systematic study of the shapes and motions of physical objects. Practical mathematics has been a human activity for as far back as written records exist. Rigorous arguments first appeared in Greek mathematics, most notably in Euclid's Elements. Mathematics continued to develop, for example in China in 300 BCE, in India in 100 CE, and in Arabia in 800 CE, until the Renaissance, when mathematical innovations interacting with new scientific discoveries led to a rapid increase in the rate of mathematical discovery that continues to the present day.
The earliest uses of mathematics were in trading, land measurement, painting and weaving patterns and the recording of time. More complex mathematics did not appear until around 3000 BC, when the Babylonians and Egyptians began using arithmetic, algebra and geometry for taxation and other financial calculations, for building and construction, and for astronomy. The systematic study of mathematics in its own right began with the Ancient Greeks between 600 and 300 BC. Mathematics has since been greatly extended, and there has been a fruitful interaction between mathematics and science, to the benefit of both. Mathematical discoveries continue to be made today.

BUZZ #10
MATHEMATICS: The physicist Richard Feynman invented the path integral formulation of quantum mechanics using a combination of mathematical reasoning and physical insight, and today's string theory, a still-developing scientific theory which attempts to unify the four fundamental forces of nature, continues to inspire new mathematics. Some mathematics is only relevant in the area that inspired it, and is applied to solve further problems in that area. But often mathematics inspired by one area proves useful in many areas, and joins the general stock of mathematical concepts. A distinction is often made between pure mathematics and applied mathematics. However pure mathematics topics often turn out to have applications, e.g. number theory in cryptography. This remarkable fact that even the "purest" mathematics often turns out to have practical applications is what Eugene Wigner has called "the unreasonable effectiveness of mathematics." As in most areas of study, the explosion of knowledge in the scientific age has led to specialization: there are now hundreds of specialized areas in mathematics. Several areas of applied mathematics have merged with related traditions outside of mathematics and become disciplines in their own right, including statistics, operations research, and computer science.

BUZZ #11
MATHEMATICS: For those who are mathematically inclined, there is often a definite aesthetic aspect to much of mathematics. Many mathematicians talk about the elegance of mathematics, its intrinsic aesthetics and inner beauty. Simplicity and generality are valued. There is beauty in a simple and elegant proof, such as Euclid's proof that there are infinitely many prime numbers, and in an elegant numerical method that speeds calculation, such as the fast Fourier transform. G. H. Hardy in A Mathematician's Apology expressed the belief that these aesthetic considerations are, in themselves, sufficient to justify the study of pure mathematics. He identified criteria such as significance, unexpectedness, inevitability, and economy as factors that contribute to a mathematical aesthetic. Mathematicians often strive to find proofs of theorems that are particularly elegant. The popularity of recreational mathematics is another sign of the pleasure many find in solving mathematical questions.

BUZZ #12
MATHEMATICS: Are mathematical objects such as numbers and points exist naturally or are human creations?
The mathematician Benjamin Peirce called mathematics "the science that draws necessary conclusions".
Albert Einstein, on the other hand, stated that "as far as the laws of mathematics refer to reality, they are not certain; and as far as they are certain, they do not refer to reality.
Numbers and points exist naturally. Numbers are quantities; physical objects or abstract quantities. Human recognize how to count physical objects and abstract quantities. A line is a collection of points and a point can be marked. What do you think?

BUZZ #13
MATHEMATICS: Applied mathematics considers the use of abstract mathematical tools in solving concrete problems in the sciences, business, and other areas.
Applied mathematics has significant overlap with the discipline of statistics, whose theory is formulated mathematically, especially with probability theory. Statisticians (working as part of a research project) "create data that makes sense" with random sampling and with randomized experiments; the design of a statistical sample or experiment specifies the analysis of the data (before the data be available). When reconsidering data from experiments and samples or when analyzing data from observational studies, statisticians "make sense of the data" using the art of modelling and the theory of inference – with model selection and estimation; the estimated models and consequential predictions should be tested on new data.
Computational mathematics proposes and studies methods for solving mathematical problems that are typically too large for human numerical capacity. Numerical analysis studies methods for problems in analysis using ideas of functional analysis and techniques of approximation theory; numerical analysis includes the study of approximation and discretization broadly with special concern for rounding errors. Other areas of computational mathematics include computer algebra and symbolic computation.
There are Mathematical physics, Fluid dynamics, Numerical analysis, Optimization, Probability theory, Statistics, Financial mathematics, Game theory, Mathematical biology, Mathematical chemistry, Mathematical economics, Control theory, and Engineering Mathematics.

BUZZ #14
Game theory attempts to mathematically capture behavior in strategic situations, in which an individual's success in making choices depends on the choices of others. Assuming individual rationality; each person makes rational decisions that maximize their rewards – profits or other subjective benefits – within the circumstances they face.
Game theory is not about games but it is, about serious human interactions where, as in games, an individual’s choice is a strategic choice whose outcome depends on the strategies chosen by others interacting directly with that individual.
Game theory is a mathematical problem in which one attempts to understand how the strategic rational choices made by a group of interacting decision makers maximizes the rewards of the group. Game theory is an interdisciplinary enterprise employing facets of mathematics, economics, and other social and behavioural sciences.
HUMMMMM (my work) is a feed headline in Microsoft Headlines Gadget.

BUZZ #15
The work that devil cannot do, then, who can? Who can? Who can!?
HUMMMMM (My work) is a feed headline in Microsoft Headlines Gadget. HUMMMMM, speech of the nature, sound and breathing of the living. ‘Heirs to all the ages, in the foremost flies of time’
I give my respect to those who bow.

BUZZ #16
WISDOM IS RARE. I am searching for wisdom.

BUZZ #17
It is wise to have a healthy community, a crime free community and a peaceful community, WISDOM IS RARE.

BUZZ #18
Is truth bitter?
The truth is not bitter as we should not compromise peace.

BUZZ #19
If you contemplate history and past experience, you will find that evil and corruption tended to destroy themselves, because they had false idols for worship, false standards of conduct, and false goals of desire. Is truth bitter?

BUZZ #20
Recover, recover, recover the balance that has been upset by Evil and Falsehood. Is truth bitter?

BUZZ #21
Is middle position a false position? If you are at the middle, perform. Hey, it is hot! One may have to change one position in life, or one human relationships, or one callings.
In whatever position you are, do not break the laws of the very Nature which fed and sustained you. Then all converge at ‘HUMMMMM’. In my work, I say; The harmonisation of human community is the apex of human wisdom.
Can somebody compose and sing a song tittled: don’t break them, don’t break them, don’t break the laws of nature. Peace.

BUZZ #22
The sands of time are always running.
The great thinker has reputation for courage and constancy, which has to be brought to the test of facts and experience. The thinker put on calm courage in order that he may be confirmed, justified and fulfilled.
The great thinker’s work is like a balance by which human can weigh all moral issues, all questions of right and wrong in conduct. Peace.

BUZZ #23
Selfishness often runs counter to true self interest. Among human are more intelligent ones; they exploit the weaker ones; they are constantly plotting night and day to keep the weaker ones ignorant and under their thumb. They show them the ways of Evil, because by that means they are more in their power.

Biliaminu Adeleke Adediran-Adegoke - Inactivity and lethargy are fatal. No one can rest on his/her oars.

BUZZ #24
Things are revealed to human from time to time as may be expedient for them.
Save your dear ones from fear, sorrow, humiliation and grief in this life. In your weak state, you would be most miserable if you could see the secrets of the future or the secrets of the unseen. Lead a good life.

BUZZ #25
‘Leadership is the ability of developing and communicating a vision to a group of people that will make that vision true.’ (Valenzuela 2007)
‘Leadership has a harder job to do than just choose sides. It must bring sides together.’ –Jesse Jackson
Four Roles of a Leader: Pathfinding, Modeling, Aligning, Empowering. Live, Love, Learn and Leave a Legacy.
What is Leadership?

BUZZ #26
Do I need authority to have great influence? I have been a great influence in human civilization and psychology. My work (HUMMMMM) is transforming one human community of the world to a better one. It is the truth and light of the nature.
It could be better.
HUMMMMM - A Revelation from the Totality of Nature

BUZZ #27
Get aid when all hope is lost, get new chances and new openings where you least expect them, Hummmmm (Amen).
Placing in human way all the means for attaining the best in them; the Revelation is transforming the whole world as it is plain and intelligible to the human community of the world. No one can get the better of truth by attacking it from before or behind it, openly or secretly, or in any way whatever.
Contribute to the elucidation of truth and justice.

BUZZ #28
Sailing sometimes with the wind and sometimes against it . In reaching goals sailing is must, not drift, not lie at anchor.

BUZZ #29
Look not to evil rather than to good,
look not to punishment rather than to mercy,
look not to the fear in the force and fire of the lightning rather than to the hope of good and abundant crops in the rain which will come behind the lightning clouds.
Go on persevering in good deeds to your fellow human.

BUZZ #30
Hidden information and chance elements are frequent features in classical game theory where players move, bet, or strategize at the same time. There is no chance element and players take turns in combinatorial game theory which covers two-player games of perfect knowledge such as go, chess, or checkers.
What is a game? What is a race? What is life?
A game is defined as a conflict involving gains and losses between two or more opponents who follow formal rules.
Life is a race in which all zealously run forward to the goal of good in whatever circumstances, at whatever time, in whatever place.

BUZZ #31
What do I need?
I need health and strength, opportunities and resources, a spirit of contentment and the power of influencing others. Visibility makes me go about physical work and other activities which are fitly associated with seeing, perception, and enquiry. Intuition (insight) is a little out of that circle because it may come by night, when other faculties are resting.
What do you need?

BUZZ #32
The task of reclaiming the world from falsehood, superstition, selfishness, wrong and oppression is difficult. Anyway, success lies in trial.

BUZZ #33
It is a calling for, and is wise to have, a healthy human community, a crime free community and a peaceful community. WISDOM IS RARE. The truth is not bitter as we should not compromise peace. Stay with the truth as the truth set you free. HUMMMMM; the truth and light of the nature.
It is a corrective, a reformation and guidance to human activity. This is not to ridicule, embarrass or favour any human religion or anybody. Order or government of the tangible things on the earth can be postulated by a Power or Force or Energy outside them (we call it GOD), I understand. This is a task of reclaiming the world from falsehood, superstition, selfishness, wrong and oppression. Success lies in trial.
It is to transform one human community of the world to a better one.
If you would like to support the course, please do! Send your donation to:
Bank: GTBANK, Okota branch
Account Name: Adediran-Adegoke, Biliaminu Adeleke
Account Number: 233/285887/2/1/0
Account Type: Domiciliary Account
Currency: U.S. Dollar
Bank: GTBANK, Okota branch
Account Name: Adediran-Adegoke, Biliaminu Adeleke
Account Number: 233/285887/1/1/0
Account Type: Current Account
Currency: Naira
Bank: First Bank PLC, Okota branch
Account Name: Adediran-Adegoke, Biliaminu Adeleke
Account Number: 4812010005067
Account Type: Current Account
Currency: Naira
This is the beginning of a new era in the history of humanity. Thanks for your involvement in the positive change in the world.

BUZZ #34
Strive constantly and put community of human above self, blessings of the day and night keep human alive. Get purified, like fire applied to a goldsmith’s crucible to burn out the dross. HUMMMMM, speech of the nature, sound and breathing of the living.

BUZZ #35
The magnetic needle is true to the North, if the needle is held back by obstructions; restore its freedom to make it points true again to the magnetic pole. Recover the balance that has been upset by Evil and Falsehood. Be, not the sport of many contending forces.
HUMMMMM - A Revelation from the Totality of Nature

BUZZ #36
The whole life, thoughts and desires of human

BUZZ #37
Contrast with the various human systems that conflict with each other.

BUZZ #38
Dealing with matters which human can understand and use in life.

BUZZ #39
A decree full of knowledge and wisdom.

BUZZ #40
Unequal gifts are not a sign of chaos in the universe.

BUZZ #41
You are there, you are there, and you are there!
My breast expands and my task eases. I am not arrogant, I respect others (they are educated, they are intelligent, they are skilful) and I work with facts. Mine is a call for a better human community in the world, sustain the ground won and win more ground in the march of progress. I believe that I have friends in others, they are there, and I am not alone. Hey, check out my mathematical understanding. Peace


BUZZ #42
Blessings; good wishes and mercies.

BUZZ #43
All that helps to maintain and develop every aspect of life.

BUZZ #44
Creation of new situations and new developments and restoration of the true balance. Falsehood is doomed to perish.

BUZZ #45
Alluring structures of fraud and injustice are built up in the worship of false ideals.

BUZZ #46
A crowd mentality is not the best for the perception of the truths.

BUZZ #47
All wonderful complexities, gradations, and nuances in creation are blended in one harmonious whole that obeys law and exemplifies order.

BUZZ #48
The light and mercy that cure defects and shortcomings.

BUZZ #49
Wisdom and knowledge to be used at all times.

BUZZ #50
Use your merit, knowledge, and skill or cleverness for the benefit of humanity but not to do mischief.

BUZZ #51
Goodness breeds love and peace and sin breeds hatred and contention.
BUZZ #52
The popular problem solving heuristics by polya are in four steps as follows:
1. Understanding the problem
This involves asking questions such as “what is the unknown”,
“what exactly am I to find” etc.
2. Devise a plan
After understanding the problem, the next step is to devise a plan for
solving it. One may need to call to remembrance some formulae
or techniques that can be employed in doing this
3. Execute the plan
This stage involves carrying out the solving of the problem.
4. Look back
This involves looking back or evaluating your solution

1. Read the question and options provided carefully.
2. Note the units in which the options are expressed.
3. Note, also, the form in which the options expressed.
Options can be expressed in standard form, fractions,
places of decimal, surds, significant figure(s), ordinary
number or in terms of symbol(s).
4. Read the question again and having understood the problem,
Solve it in orderly and clean manner.
5. Choose the most correct option as your answer.
6. Never shade more than one as correct on your answer paper.

1. Read the question and options provided carefully.
2. If you think that an option is correct ask yourself why?
3. Read the question and options again, be convinced with your
reason why an option is most correct.
It is safer to work by a process of elimination.
4. Choose the most correct option as your answer.
5. Never shade more than one as correct on your answer paper.

The aims of the basic Mathematics syllabus are:
1. To help the students develop conceptual and manipulation skills
and its applications.
2. To enable students acquire a foundation appropriate to a further
study of Mathematics, and skills and knowledge pertinent to other
3. To enable students to increase their intellectual curiosity.

BUZZ #53
My generation! Do not misunderstand my vision (politically, economically, educationally, socially, and spiritually) and submissions. Those that have tunnel vision should stop launching a vitriolic attack on me. I salute the great ones among human, visionary leaders and those that have revolutionary ideas.

BUZZ #54
Say: I shall not refuse to face Truth; I shall not deny what is obvious to reasonable human and turn my back. I am in the light; the light of revelation, the light of conscience, the light of reason.
''No matter how difficult the path of change may be, change for better is desirable.'' (Adeleke Biliaminu Adediran- Adegoke)


BUZZ #55
It could be a political miracle should I become a vocal thinker, educator and politician.
World Politics' Participation

BUZZ #56
‘You and I as individuals will have to transform ourselves.
The individual is obviously of the greatest significance in society because it is only the individual who is capable of creative activity, not the mass - and I shall explain presently what I mean by that word creative. If you see this fact, then you will also realize that what you are in yourself is of the highest importance. Your capacity to think, to function with wholeness, with an integration in which there is no self-contradiction - this has an enormous significance.

We see that if there is to be any real change in the world - and there must be a real change - then you and I as individuals will have to transform ourselves. Unless there is a radical change in each one of us, life becomes an endless imitation, ultimately leading to boredom, frustration, and hopelessness.’
Real revolution lies in human hearts and minds, and it can only come when they understand the whole total process of their being from day to day, in every relationship.


BUZZ #57
What I am in my relationship to another creates society, True or False?
Without radically transforming myself, there can be no transformation of the essential function of society, True or False.
Can a system transform man or man transforms the system?
I understand myself in my relationship to you, therefore I cannot cause chaos, misery, destruction, fear, brutality. I understand myself at this very moment.
Yes, I know you pray to escape from actuality. You are working upon that emotional state which results in prayer for the purpose of hatred. Hared exists because of psychological and economic reasons. There is a need for fundamental change of the cause of hatred. (Greetings to the ladies in the bank, I came there today.)


BUZZ #58
“Peace and justice are two sides of the same coin.”
-Dwight David Eisenhower quotes (American 34th President (1953-61). 1890-1969
Reasoning(Adeleke): It is just as well that we live in peace.

World Politics' Participation

BUZZ #59
Coin money with your work, get pay for your work; works of art, creativity, originality, understanding, physical or mental activity.
Have a coin that the two sides are peace and justice so that you can have an even hand justice and live in peace.
My work (HUMMMMM) is a feed headline in Microsoft Headlines Gadget. ‘EXCELLENT THINKING’ ascertained, affirmed and declared to the human community of the world.


BUZZ #60
The sweets of power arise from the savour of self, and self is an alluring (if false) attraction that misleads the will.
World Politics' Participation

BUZZ #61
Privacy is not secrecy. Individual’s right to privacy is not an issue but a right. Privacy is natural.
Privacy is precious, and essential to a refined, decent, and well-ordered life. I can have my right to privacy.


BUZZ #62
Fellow, would you be glad when you remember your past and your memory a precious possession? Are you just?
Would you be in agony when you remember the past and your memory a grievous punishment? Are you unjust?
Do not disregard the Truth.


BUZZ #63
HUMMMMM, speech of the nature, sound and breathing of the living.
HUMMMMM –a feed headline in Microsoft Headlines Gadget
Wisdom is rare.
I look beyond myself.


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